2023 Outlook: What ABSG will hope to accomplish in the New Year!

What’s up!

I hope you enjoyed your holidays, mine were great! It was a much needed reset to be around family and just decompress for a few days. But now, back into it, at least until New Years Eve that is!

Speaking of New Years, that is our theme in today’s post. Given that this is the last post of 2022, I figured we will look at some of the accomplishments from 2022 and what we are looking forward to building and achieving in 2023. So now, let’s get stuck in!

Looking back on 2022…

While 2022 was relatively quiet, I like to refer to 2022 as the year of strategizing for ABSG, most of my time was spent at the drawing board for 2022 with regards to clients, future projects, and new services. I can confidently say our network expanded exponentially during the year, and we will be putting this to good use going forward. Below are a few notable milestones for AceBoy Sports Group in 2022:

Firstly, 2022 was the year we began our involvement in local Bermuda sports sponsorship with our ABSG Reapers competing in the 2021/22 Bermuda Basketball Association season. During their maiden season, our Reapers won the league title and produced a plethora of fantastic highlights and memories along the way. Additionally, we built quite a substantial following both at games and via social media around the team and their progress throughout the season. While the 2022/23 Reapers are off to a much slower start, I love being able to sponsor a local sport and add a competitive team to the ABSG brand.

Next, we were able to onboard a new client athlete, Ryan Lopes. This represents a significant milestone for ABSG as at the time of writing, Ryan was playing at the highest level of our current client athletes, showing our image as an athlete representation organization is growing and hopefully becoming more influential among talented Bermudian athletes, not just footballers. Ryan is a promising young player, currently a member of the U23s Development Squad at Hartley Wintney FC, who currently play at Step 3 in England. Ryan has also just been called up to the Bermuda U23 squad, and we hope to see him continue his development as a footballer and progress throughout his career.

Finally, and more recently, we officially launched our Profile Building service! While this one was a long time coming, it represents an important milestone for ABSG with the launch of a legitimate service with consistent revenue generating potential. This service will allow us to work more closely with local Bermudian athletes, and assist them in their own recruitment needs by producing detailed sporting CVs, high-quality highlight videos, and professionally written player analytical reports. Through my extensive networking efforts, I’ve found from various scouts, heads of recruitment, and coaches, that most athletes lack these resources in their sporting portfolios, which can hamper their recruitment process. By providing this service to local Bermudian athletes, I hope we can help to raise the standard of what is required to play abroad and at least better prepare our athletes for when they decide to make that next step in their career, to whichever level that might be.

What to look forward to in 2023…

While the unknown of the New Year is what excites me most for AceBoy Sports Group, there are a few key items on my agenda that I want the company to accomplish in 2023:

Firstly, and most importantly, I would like to firm up our athlete representation arm. This includes resigning our client who’s contract expires in 2023, and also onboarding at least one more footballer, and at least one athlete in a different sport. I believe this would strengthen our image as an athlete representation organization, showing we have the expertise to assist athletes in any sport, and are consistent and knowledgable enough for them to resign with us and place that kind of trust in ABSG for the betterment of their own careers. It is important for ABSG to continue this kind of growth, the athlete representation sector of the sports industry is becoming increasingly competitive, and to establish ourselves as a mainstay in the Bermuda sports industry is of paramount importance.

If we are able to sign a new footballer, it would be fantastic if they were currently in Bermuda and we were able to assist in taking them from Bermuda to the UK and placing them at a club abroad. This would be significant for our local image in taking Bermudian athletes abroad, showing that pathway still does exist. If possible, I would like to be able to work with more youth players and assisting with placing them in professional academies. I believe this method of starting them out younger in these types of environments can only help them develop as mature professionals sooner, which can trickle back down to the local ranks in Bermuda.

Finally, Battle on the Blacktop 3 will be going ahead in the summer of 2023. After much deliberation on whether to host our flagship event during Thanksgiving or Christmas of 2022, I have decided to keep the basketball tournament as a summer event. I don’t see any point in changing when the event is hosted, as it has had success as a summer event in the past, and it should stay that way going forward. BOTB3 will be our first event in a few years now, and represents our re-entry into the events space in Bermuda. Additionally, we are going to be involved in the Bermuda Red Cross Golf Tournament in May 2023, and I would hope to host at least one more event during the year, but this is unlikely and not something I will promise. The event, sport, and timing has to be right for me to consider another event, and 2023 may not be the year for that, however I’m not writing it off entirely.

While the above two items are measurable and the number one and two priorities for AceBoy Sports Group in the New Year, there are plenty of smaller items on my list that I will be remaining consistent in and accomplishing in 2023, they are all more so tasks that just have to be done to ensure ABSG continues to grow. This includes proper marketing efforts behind our athlete and event services to ensure consistent revenue flow, and networking with club officials to expand our pool of potential suitors for current and future clients. These ‘smaller’ tasks are things I should be improving upon and strengthening week to week, month to month, year to year, and are crucial to the continued growth and establishment of AceBoy Sports Group as Bermuda’s leading sports management company, and eventually edging closer to our goal of being internationally recognized.

Thanks for your continued support this year, and I’m looking forward to having you along with our successes in 2023! Obviously there was no midweek review on Wednesday as the Reapers are still on season break, and will be so until January 8th, so no midweek review next Wednesday either.

Happy New Year!

