ABSG Company Update

What have we been up to?

Hey everyone,

This one is going to be short and sweet. I was hoping to have some exciting news to share and therefore a nice detailed post for today, but that will have to wait until next week!

To keep this simple today, I thought I’d just give a quick update on what we’re doing and how everything is coming along so far at AceBoy Sports Group.

All our current athletes are doing really well, going through their off-season preparations and getting ready for any invites to pre-season at prospective clubs. On that front, we’re having some fantastic conversations regarding a few of our clients, and some pre-season invites are definitely on the cards for some of the guys. The conversations we’re having with these clubs and other individuals in/around recruitment are great for the short-term when looking at this summer period, but also laying down some crucial foundations for the future.

The Bermuda Basketball Association is looking to start it’s next league in September, at which point we will most likely be entering our Reapers team once again for a third campaign. Hopefully we can keep the same team together with perhaps a few new faces, but only time will tell what the BBA’s plans are, so watch this space for any updates on that front.

We’re also beginning to have encouraging dialogue with other agencies, which will hopefully set us up for opportunities with clubs we wouldn’t otherwise be in discussions with. Again, there’s quite a lot going on behind the scenes on that front at the moment regarding a couple of our clients, but I can’t share anything at the moment as there are no concrete developments as of now, so you’ll just have to check-in again next week!

So that is all for today! I hope you enjoyed a little catch up and if you’re new, make sure you subscribe and join the roster so you don’t miss out!

Check you later!
