ABSG New Service Launch: Profile Building!

What’s up everyone!

I hope you’ve enjoyed your week, and looking forward to a great holiday weekend! Have you done your Christmas shopping yet? I’m unusually ahead of the game this week, did mine four days before Christmas Eve, I’m usually running around today trying to find meaning in random things for family members at Brown n Co (my Bermudian followers know what I’m talking about).

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It’s been a busy last few weeks for ABSG. We’ve onboarded a new client who we are extremely excited about (more to come on him and our other clients in a later edition), we’ve been asked to assist in the development and launch of the Bermuda Red Cross Golf Tournament in May 2023 (this post can be found on the dashboard), and we’ve got some exciting developments surround Battle on the Blacktop 3 which I’m looking forward to sharing with you! But this week we are gonna talk about a new service we’ve just launched at ABSG; Profile Building. So let’s get stuck in!

Well… what is it?

Our new Profile Building service is just that: building profiles for athletes. The main components of this being highlight tape development and sporting CV creation. Additionally, we are offering add-on services such as scouting analysis to athletes serious about expanding their skillsets and application of these abilities in game situations. At the moment, this is on offer exclusively for footballers but it is my hope we can eventually roll out this service for athletes participating in basketball, rugby, cricket, and golf in Bermuda.

This service involves ABSG filming athletes competing in matches and then compiling the footage into specific and detail-oriented highlight packages, while simultaneously providing a CV that details the athletes’ sporting career to date. These packages can then be used for whatever purpose the athlete desires, whether that be sharing with prospective semi-pro/pro teams, boarding schools or universities, or simply for personal use.

So why did we launch this?

I’ve been developing this service for the last few months now, and it actually derived from what we offer our client athletes. For each athlete we represent, we create a personalized CV referencing their sporting history such as clubs played for, statistics, personal info. We then compile their existing highlight videos into one full highlight tape from previous seasons, and then work with them to obtain footage from their current season to create up-to-date versions, and then so on. Working as an athlete representative over the last few years, you pick up on what an athlete should have when you are pitching them to clubs. I find that having a detailed highlight package and CV goes on a long way in showcasing the athlete while also telling the story of their athletic career and development to-date.

While this is free for all athlete clients that we represent, there is a modest fee associated with the various packages offered to non-contracted athletes. This is solely based on time taken to film the athletes and then edit and develop their highlight tape. While this will be another revenue source for ABSG (we are a for profit company after all), it is also meant to provide an affordable way for athletes in Bermuda to showcase themselves for whatever purpose they desire.

And how does this help Bermudian athletes?

Believe it or not, there is not another service like this currently on-island despite how simple it is. Lots of athletes simply make their own highlight tapes and just go from there. Even though it is a fairly easy and straight-forward process, I’ve spoken with enough managers, scouts, and heads of recruitment at various clubs that I know what they’re looking for in a highlight package. At the core of these tapes, you’re supposed to come away knowing what the athlete is good at, and also understanding what they can improve upon. At the moment, I’ve marketed this out directly to all our Bermuda Football Association member clubs in both the First and Premier Divisions. Not only am I hoping the clubs will share this with their players for consideration, but I’d also love the opportunity to work with each club in filming their matches to assist their coaches in training sessions and delivering quality instruction.

In addition to being an agent, I am also a qualified football scout through multiple accrediting organizations in the UK. In addition to the highlight tape and CV, one of the packages also offers an in-depth analytical report of the athlete in that match or matches. The purpose of this being for the athlete to study their tape and apply that report to their individual and team training sessions. This offer is also available to any club that may wish to seek out this service, and the same report can be compiled for an entire team, either for themselves or as an opposition report.

But does this contribute to the ABSG mission?

I’ve always preached collaboration over competition, and through this service I hope we can contribute to the positive growth and development of Bermuda football. Working with local organizations is an important goal for ABSG, and this service is a great way to start that process. I believe that this service can eventually be fine-tuned and perfected, hopefully leading to us employing individuals to actually film and edit these packages. Additionally, I hope this can help athletes and coaches better understand their own abilities, not only understanding what their strengths are, but also acknowledging their areas for improvement.

I also think this is a fantastic tool for athletes looking to apply to universities/boarding-schools and market themselves to those recruitment departments. I’ve gone through the college athletic recruitment process and I can tell you first hand how crucial having a highlight tape on readily available is. I also know how stressful it can be to create one while also trying to be a student, especially when you don’t 100% know what coaches would be looking for. Ideally, it would be great if this service led to ABSG signing a few clients across multiple sports. To grow our roster of client athletes and help them leave Bermuda to compete at the semi-pro/professional levels would make this service a success in my books!

Long-term I’d like this to develop into a more comprehensive and far-reaching service than just highlight tape and CV creation. Without giving too much away, it would be great if we could work with multiple stakeholders in sports with this service, not just athletes and not just footballers. To affect change in Bermuda’s sports industry is a top priority at AceBoy Sports Group, and I believe that Profile Building can play a crucial role in that mission!

To find out more about Profile Building and our other projects, check out our website!

I hope you enjoyed this week’s edition of Learning the Venture! Until next week, enjoy your weekend and Happy Holidays!

Check you later!
