Approaching 2024

How we're finishing out the year...

Good morning everyone,

Thanks for tuning into this week’s edition of Learning the Venture! Welcome to any new readers we have today, and please feel free to subscribe below!

If you missed last week’s edition, no worries, you can check out that post on the dashboard. I spoke about the current state of the new FIFA Football Agent Regulations, and how the recent inception of the new rules has effect agents across the world.

This week I thought I’d keep it simple and give you all a little insight into how we are hoping to finish out 2023 and set ourselves up for a strong start to 2024.

Building a start-up means wearing many hats, you’re always on “mode push” - F1 fans will get that!

The world of football agents is changing, as I mentioned in last week’s post. The need to evolve and adapt to new regulations, trends, and emerging markets have never been more crucial to the continued success of a football agent.

It is because of this, that AceBoy Sports Group continues to grow in other verticals that are not specifically related to football agent work. This doesn’t mean we abandon our goals for the representation arm of the company, that will always be the driving area we operate in.

But as the world changes and the sports industry changes with it, it is vitally important for our own success and longevity that we continue to adapt to the evolving world of sports.

Earlier this week, I sent out a survey questionnaire to a number of sporting entities in Bermuda. I am keen to learn more about how ABSG can efficiently deploy time, energy, and capital towards local projects in order to broaden our scope of operations in Bermuda. We’ve received some good responses so far, and hopefully with a bit more information from more participants, we will be able to assist many more stakeholders in the Bermuda sports ecosystem.

The event space is an area that I want to get back on track starting in 2024.

This one has been on hold for a while now, mainly due to the tremendous progress that has been made on the athlete representation side.

Battle on the Blacktop was out first ever event, and BOTB3 has been on hold for almost 3 years now. The plan is still to make this a Christmas event, that way we can maximize the number of participants as returning boarding school/university students have the chance to play.

Starting in 2024 I will be taking a serious look at our event pipeline, and re-evaluate what makes sense based on the current trajectory of the company. Events are a part of what I’d like to build at ABSG, but a big part of that will be partnerships with existing events, rather than hosting our own.

The events we do create and host on our own should stay true to our ethos on events management - unique yearly events that we can add to the Bermuda sports calendar.

A new sports league?

This one might seem a bit far-fetched for a sports management company that is focused on athlete representation and events management (for now) but based on my experiences over the last two years, I think it is something to consider.

Without naming names, the experience that I have had with one or two of the leagues currently operating in Bermuda has been lackluster to say the least.

It is hard to attach your brand as a start-up to something that doesn’t embrace new ways of doing things, or at the very least try to.

With that being said, there is one sport that I’d like to try to start a league for in Bermuda, and another sport that I think could do with a bit of friendly competition with another active league to provide options for players.

2024 is a year I have earmarked for exploring these possibilities. They definitely will take a back seat to continuing to service our client-athletes and building out our events operations, as starting our own leagues will require significant investment and external assistance.

Well, that’s all for this week!

Thanks for reading this week’s edition of Learning the Venture, and again if your are new, I welcome you to subscribe for free and join the roster!

Until next time!
