We’re back!

For good this time!

Good morning everyone,

Thanks for tuning into this week’s edition of Learning The Venture, I hope you’ve all had a great week and looking forward to an even better weekend!

As always, I’d like to welcome any new subscribers reading for the first time, thank you for your support and welcome to the roster!

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Before we get going, I’d like to share with you Bryant’s Newsletter, which gives some awesome insight into Pickleball, Faith, and Fatherhood!

A truly great read for parents and sports oficinados alike!

You can subscribe below 👇

Wow, de ja vu huh?

If you feel like you’ve read this one before, you’re not hallucinating, so no need to panic. This one is on me - sometimes life just gets in the way of certain things, and it can take a little while to get back on track!

The last time I let you know the reason for the massive gulf between posts, I had been extremely busy in what is a hectic period of the year for football agents and insurance brokers (of which I am both, fun fact)!

Since that last post, in which I said we’d be back to our normal posting schedule, I have resigned my day job at insurance brokerage “A”, and am moving to insurance brokerage “B” on November 4th! As I’m sure many of you can appreciate, moving jobs takes a lot out of, particularly mentally so I’m thrilled it is all sorted now and onto bigger and better things.

That only allows me to firmly focus on my company and clients, speaking of which hasn’t been the most eventful summer for any of them in terms of solid moves. Speaking of which, it’s time for a client update!

Nathaniel and Bakari had received a few offers from academies from National League North up to League One in England, however none really checked the important boxes that we were looking for. That being said, once both players are back in England and settled (which should be this month) I will let you all know about their plans - we’ve got something in the works!

It looks as if Nathaniel and Bakari may begin the season as free agents, rather than formally being attached to a club. While this certainly isn’t ideal as we’d like them to get started as quickly as possible, it does allow us to regroup and assess where they can fit in, as holes always open up on rosters as the season goes on.

Unfortunately for Zeren, he sustained a pretty bad knee injury in the latter days of his clubs’ preseason, so he’s going to be sidelined for the foreseeable future. Not to worry though, as he is in good spirits and needless to say he doesn’t mind being pampered towards while he’s off his feet!

In terms of our interview series on YouTube and Apple Podcasts, that will resume once the transfer window is officially closed. Reason for this is so that I can give that content the attention it needs to be valuable and entertaining for you all and any other listeners on those other platforms.

If you’d like to listen to the very first episode of the series, check it out below!

That is pretty much it in terms of an update since the last post. It’s been a tough recruitment window, but any lack of success or traction certainly hasn’t been for a lack of trying. It’s an incredibly competitive marketplace right now in football, the money being invested in the lower levels has allowed these clubs to soak up a lot of the talent released from higher levels, making it harder for younger guys like Nathaniel, Bakari, and Zeren to break in.

That doesn’t mean we give up though! It’s a long road ahead and I’m certain they’ll all be successes in their own right!

Until next time!

