Company Update: What we've been up to at AceBoy Sports Group!

Hey everyone,

I hope you’ve had a great week so far, and are looking forward to a fun weekend! To those who had a public holiday this past weekend, I hope you enjoyed and had a good time! The last few posts have been quite specific, so I think this week is a good time for a brief update on what the company has been involved in and working on lately. Before we kick off, I’d like to welcome any new readers we have to subscribe below and join our growing roster!

As you would’ve seen from the last few posts (these can be found on the dashboard), the company has been doing a lot of groundwork so to speak, which will continue for the next couple months, and hopefully set us up for a pretty active and exciting second half of 2023. Below I’ll break down some of the main items that have been progressing over the last few weeks:

FIFA Agent Exam

Boy, April 19th can’t come soon enough! For those of you who don’t know, I will be taking the FIFA Agent Exam next week on April 19th, in order to be officially licensed as a FIFA Football Agent. As many of you may know, FIFA are re-introducing the exam to become an agent and with it a host of new and improved (depending on who you talk to) regulations for anyone wishing to become and therefore operate as a football agent. I’ll need to pass one of the two exams prior to October 1st, 2023 when the new regulations officially come into effect, so I’ve been studying for the past two or so months non-stop to hopefully be '“one and done”!

If you’re interested in reading more about the new FIFA Football Agent Regulations, you can read all about them and my professional opinions on the matter here!


I have always viewed sponsorship as a great tool for driving ABSG’s growth in the local sports industry. While being a sponsor for a team, athlete, league, or event comes with financial cost (sometimes quite significant) the pay-off in terms of content creation, social media engagement, and brand/logo visibility is crucial to our continued growth and establishing ourselves locally as a prominent sports management company. Currently we have 3 sponsorship initiatives in operation, each different from the other in nature, and hopefully we will have onboarded a few others before the end of the year:

  1. On the basketball front, the ABSG Reapers had an okay 2022-23 season and enter the summer period ready to compete in whatever kind of competition the Bermuda Basketball League puts forward. This sponsorship has given us closer access to the Bermuda Basketball Association, and hopefully we can begin to work with them on some other projects going forward.

  2. Aeziah Divine, the first ABSG sponsored athlete, has begun his season in Spain and has actually just this past week received his motorbike for the upcoming campaign. We are extremely excited to be part of Aeziah’s journey and you can follow along by visiting his website and social media platforms here.

  3. Finally, work continues with the Bermuda Red Cross on their inaugural golf tournament which will be held in May. We are assisting with the marketing and sponsorship initiatives behind the event, and while we are not yet sponsoring the event ourselves, we are providing out support in more of consultancy manner.

If you’d like to read more about our many sponsorship initiatives, you can check out these articles on the dashboard!


The 2022-23 football season is almost over, and that means our clients are going to be looking for promising moves this summer to continue their career progression. Amar, Quinaceo, and Ryan have all be working incredibly hard to see out the remainder of the season fit, healthy, and on a strong note. I’d like to give a special shoutout to Quinaceo, who in his most recent match received his first Man of the Match award for Pickering Town. Once I’ve completed the agent exam, I will be working on their highlight packages and CVs for distribution to scouts, coaches, and other club officials. After some very promising calls over the last couple weeks, I’m hoping to get a few trials lined up for these guys prior to the beginning of preseason.

If you’d like to learn more about how I like to prepare for the off-season/pre-season, you can check out that post here!

Thanks for reading this week’s edition of Learning the Venture, until next week!

