Event Update: Bermuda Red Cross Golf Tournament

What’s up everyone!

I hope this week has been an enjoyable one, and I’m sure you’re all looking forward to a great weekend! For those of you who are interested, the ABSG Reapers will be fighting for their playoff lives tomorrow when they take on the Splash Brothers in the play-in game of the Bermuda Basketball League Playoffs. I’ll be doing a game recap for next Wednesday as always, so wish us luck!

This week I’ll be discussing what our role will be with the Bermuda Red Cross Golf Tournament, and some of the latest developments from our first meeting with the organizing committee. Before we get stuck in, if this is your first time reading Learning The Venture, I welcome you to subscribe by entering your email address below! Now, let’s get going!

During our first call last Friday, there were a lot of key developments made surrounding the logistics of the tournament. Firstly, the date of the event has been scheduled for Friday May 19th, so it is fast approaching and there is much work to do! There will be two separate tournaments on the day, the first will tee off at 8am, and the second at 3pm. Hopefully this will allow for maximum amount of participants, and should be a great day out for all involved. We are also yet to decide on certain prizes, but there were initial discussions around partnering with one of the auto-dealerships for the grand prize of a hole-in-one. This would be another example of a unique activation and subsequent engagement with local participants, hopefully prompting more locals to sign up to play.

While the main individuals in the organizing committee are currently focusing on landing a title sponsor, the work has also begun with regards to sourcing the remaining sponsors. At the moment, one of the sponsorship packages is the option to sponsor a hole on the course. AceBoy Sports Group have suggested that in conjunction with this, that sponsor can have an activation at their sponsored hole. Whether that be a pop-up shop, information point, etc. it will be a simple and effective way for local companies to engage with participants. I am are also debating if we should sponsor a hole in the tournament, the only question being what our activation would consist of. I currently planning recommending a group of potential sponsors to the organizing committee, which consist of a wide array of different Bermudian companies in various industries. Hopefully there will be quite a few smaller Bermudian start-ups who come on board as sponsors, and are able to benefit in some way from being involved with the tournament.

Specifically, ABSG has been tasked with providing assistance in marketing the event, building a social media presence surrounding the tournament, and designing the promotional material for circulation. As I mentioned in the previous post announcing that we’ve been approached to assist with the event (this can be found on our dashboard if you are interested), this is a fantastic opportunity for us to support another organization in putting on a local sporting event. This being one of our target growth areas for 2023, any way we can assist is a plus for the company’s reputation in the sporting event space in Bermuda. The first marketing material for the event should be published on March 1st, at the latest during the first week of the month, no later. At that point we will hopefully have lined up a group of sponsors and begin signing up teams to play. All the larger international businesses will also be approached for sponsorships and for submitting teams, who all love to support these kinds of events and get involved locally.

Well that’s it for this week’s edition of Learning The Venture! I hope you enjoyed it and please feel free to share around and subscribe if you are new!

