FIFA Football Agent Exam REVIEW!

Hey everyone,

Another week down, roll on the weekend! As many of you might know, I sat the FIFA Football Agent Exam yesterday at the Bermuda Football Association. In this week’s edition, I will be sharing my thoughts on the exam, how I thought it went (personally speaking), and what comes next depending on the result; which will be a positive one! Before we get going, to any new readers here this week, I welcome you to subscribe for free below and join our roster!

Now, let’s get stuck in!

I’d been studying for the exam for around two months, trying to do a minimum of at least an 1 to 2 hours per day. The last time I sat an exam was during my MSc in 2019, so I forgot how tedious studying and note-taking actually is! But nevertheless, I felt extremely confident walking into the exam knowing I had diligently logged my study hours. The exam being open-book was a big plus - even though said book was a .pdf file totaling just over 500 pages, and composed of regulations regarding agents, players, transfers, and lovely read on the FIFA Code of Ethics…

I’m not going to share the contents of any of the questions, but I will say that the exam itself was actually quite challenging, in my personal opinion. I didn’t feel ‘overwhelmed’ and there were no questions that I felt I had no clue as to what the answer might be, but it definitely wasn’t a cake-walk. Even though I had an hour to answer 20 questions (all of which were multiple choice), the wordings and multiple correct answer options were definitely head-scratchers. I was able to answer all the questions one time in the first 20 minutes, and then I was able to use the remaining time to double check my answers to the source material.

All in all, I felt pretty good walking out of the exam room and hopefully I’ll be receiving some good news once the results are released in 7 business days from the exam date. I did think since it was all online that I would get my result instantly, so you can imagine my heart-ache when I submitted the final question and I was swiftly returned to the login page! At the end of the day, if I fail I will obviously be disappointed, but at the same time I have another attempt in September I can enroll in before the new regulations come into effect on the 1st of October 2023.

To anyone taking the exam in September, I wish you luck and I’d encourage you start studying sooner rather than later. I also recommend this because even though it is an open book exam, its not like all the answers will be there at your fingertips when you want them. To scour a 500+ page document under a time limit is pretty tough, and the scenario based questions aren’t black and white. You’ll do yourself a world of good if you go in there prepared with an understanding of the regulations already, and only need to refer to the study materials to double check/confirm your answer.

I hope you all enjoyed this review, and please feel free to subscribe to the newsletter for more sports business content!

