We're Growing! New Service Offering: Strategic Advisory/Consultation

Hey everyone,

I hope you enjoyed the final edition of our HOOPS Review Series, which followed our ABSG Reapers throughout the 2022/23 Bermuda Basketball League season. This series will pick up again when the new season commences. If this is your first time reading Learning The Venture, you can check out the HOOPS Review Series on the newsletter dashboard.

This week I will be discussing a new service that AceBoy Sports Group will be launching in the near future. In a similar fashion to the Profile Building service that was launched a few months ago now (this post can be found on our dashboard), I want to begin taking a more holistic view to how we operate and serve various stakeholders within the sports industry, both locally and internationally. We are already representing our own clients through our athlete management arm, and we will continue to do so in that capacity. Our profile building service will allow ABSG to cater to athletes who may not be in need of professional representation, but still might need assistance in other ways, and therefore I think the athlete front is covered and will continue to grow. Now I want to start working with the other side…

Strategic consultation focused on sports business development. This might seem like a random extension of our services, but it is in line with the type of core services that we offer, which is predominantly client focused. It might also sound a little far-fetched; how exactly are we going to provide value to other businesses while we are still growing as a small business ourselves? This has always been a vertical I’ve wanted AceBoy Sports Group to enter and eventually establish ourselves within. The main goal is to start with local sporting entities in Bermuda, such as football clubs, governing bodies, leagues, etc. I genuinely believe there is a lot of growth potential here for the company, and the opportunity that exists in partnering with these clubs and other governing bodies bodes well for us going forward.

From conversations I have had with relevant industry stakeholders in Bermuda, there is a genuine desire to continue to grow within and learn about the modern sports industry. How can we apply trends to local football clubs? How can our various sports leagues attract and maintain adequate (at minimum) attendance figures? How do our governing bodies continue to develop their respective sport in 2023 and beyond? These are all areas I believe I can assist these stakeholders with in Bermuda, and is something I’m excited to start working on. The first step will be about who to start with, and why? During the past few months of working with my client athletes in the UK, I have learned a lot about the non-league system in England, and I think there is a lot that our football ecosystem in Bermuda can imitate. Similarly, after sponsoring a team for the second time in back-to-back seasons, I’m well aware of not only the goals and objectives of the Bermuda Basketball Association, but of their current obstacles and limitations.

I have already had preliminary discussions with the Bermuda Football Association and member clubs regarding our Profile Building service. Additionally, I’ve had early talks with the BFA about possibly taking the FIFA Agent Exam at their facility, which would save me from taking it in the UK! Following these conversations, I’ll be returning to see how our organizations can better align with each other in order to progress the game in Bermuda, thereby growing our local clubs and developing our footballers. Similarly to football, prior to every ABSG Reaper game I would speak with the Vice President of the Bermuda Basketball Association. While these were pretty casual in nature, we periodically (albeit briefly) what the BBA has planned/what they would like to do in the future.

While these are just conversations and it is perfectly plausible that nothing will come from them, they do indicate that the opportunity is there to work with these organizations and provide a service that all parties can benefit from. I think this is a niche that AceBoy Sports Group can become a specialist in, particularly within the Bermudian sports industry. As I mention above, the potential is there for this to be extremely beneficial to Bermuda’s clubs, teams, leagues, and governing bodies, and by extension our athletes and fans. Without giving too much away here, I think there is a lot to take from the English non-league football system, and the European/G-League basketball league set-ups. Again, this aligns with our current goal of expanding our services to not only grow as a company, but to assist in influencing the development of the sports industry, both in Bermuda and hopefully one day on an international scale.

That’s going to be all for today, I really hope you enjoyed this week’s edition! Keep an eye out for next week’s edition which will be sent straight to your inbox if you are already subscribing. If you aren’t a subscriber yet and this is your first time reading the newsletter, welcome! You can subscribe for free by entering your email below and you’ll receive a weekly edition every Friday morning!

Until next time!
