HOOPS Review - Game 6: Reapers vs The Splash Brothers

What’s up everyone!

I’m hoping you enjoyed your weekend, and happy Hump Day!

First off, what a match on Sunday! In my opinion, hands down the best World Cup Final in recent memory, and what a way to cap off an incredible career for Lionel Messi, just fantastic!

While Messi literally ‘completed football’, the more significant result of the weekend occurred just under 24 hours before on Saturday night, when your Reapers finally won a game! We are now 1-5 and the title defense is officially on! While Jorel was out with an ankle injury, we saw Jericho, Napthali, Zavante, and Daniel (!!) score double digit points to secure a 65-57 victory! Let’s breakdown the well earned win:

What didn’t go so well…

To be fair to the team, we did a lot right in this one, even without our leading scorer. I think there were perhaps two things we didn’t do so well; (1) game management and (2) offensive organization. We started the game really well, dictating play and taking our time. We did get a little too comfortable in the 3rd quarter and started to rush shots which saw our near 20-point lead reduced to around 10. This is something we really need to focus on and maintain a steady pace throughout the game. Our game management in the 4th quarter was better than previous games, but still needs some work.

What went pretty well…

Everything that could go right did just that. Our offense was cooking, our defense was solid, and we were incredibly active on the offensive and defensive boards. With four players putting up double digits, we are showing that as a collective we can compete and realistically beat a number of teams in the league. Through the last few games we’ve had some really good positives, which I thought we finally put together against the Splash Brothers, who played a great game themselves. I’d also like to give a special shoutout to Daniel Greyson, who knocked down four three-pointers en-route to securing his season high of 12 points. The last pick of the draft showed up and showed out!

What to look forward to next game…

Our next game isn’t until the New Year, so everyone has a nice two-week break until the season resumes. It’s going to be an uphill battle, but with a win finally in the books, we are feeling great going up against any team!

I hope you enjoyed this mid-week review, look out for the next edition on Friday!

Enjoy the rest of your week!
