Most important summer for ABSG?

How we're positioning ourselves for the future this summer...

Hey everyone,

I hope you enjoyed last week’s edition of Learning the Venture, where I gave you an inside look at how I’ve built (and continue to build) out my network as a football agent. That post can be found on the dashboard if you’re interested!

This week, I’m going to be taking the time to update you all on what has been a pretty solid summer for us at AceBoy Sports Group, and how what we’ve accomplished within our own operations and the development of the marketplace/industry, has positioned us for a great run for the rest of 2023 and beyond. I’d also like to thank you all for your continued support and interest in the newsletter, and by extension, the company. This has been a great project to work on and having committed readers makes it all the more rewarding!

I’d like to think that with each passing year working on ABSG, we’ve made progress as a company, building on important successes and learning from past failures. Having said that, going into May 2023 always felt like a BIG month for the company, almost a “make-or-break” type of situation. This isn’t to say that the company would have folded without a good summer, in fact, far from it. I simply mean that to establish ourselves as players in the sports industry and to be taken seriously, we needed to string a few wins together, which I think is exactly what we’ve managed to do.

Hopefully by the time summer comes to a conclusion, and thereby the respective transfer/recruitment periods we work in, I’ll be able to round out this post with some announcements of our athletes signing with clubs. Until then however, it is important for our development to acknowledge the accomplishments we’ve made so far during these last few months. Firstly, passing the FIFA Agent Exam was a major first step, and I think the catalyst for what a productive period for myself and the company has been, as this allowed us to have conversations with clubs and players, we weren’t able to before.

This has led to building real connections with actual decision makers at various clubs at various levels in multiple countries, which has expanded our reach and will eventually create tangible opportunities for our current (and future) client-athletes. To be approached by scouts and managers asking for players is a fantastic step forward for ABSG, as it shows our extensive networking practices are bearing fruit, and hopefully we are on our way to not only acting as an agent for players, but also as a broker for clubs.

Speaking of our client-athletes, the roster we have now is one that I am very proud to be working with. All of them are hungry, committed to their craft, and appreciate the grind of working towards becoming a full-fledged professional footballer. What I genuinely appreciate, is that they are fully aware of the challenges of being an agent, and don’t expect anything from me that I am not capable of but at the same time trust me to do my part, just as I trust them to deliver on their end. Building these relationships with your clients is crucial as an agent, and makes your job, and theirs, a whole lot easier.

Stepping away from football, I’ve also had some good initial conversations with individuals in other sports, and I’m very excited to see how ABSG will establish itself in these sports going forward. This is something that I’ve always wanted for the company, not to be solely focused on one sport, but to be able to build, influence, and collaborate with individuals, entities, and more in more than just one sport. I’m hoping to have some real updates on this front soon, but until then, stay tuned!

Thank you for reading this week’s edition of Learning the Venture! If you are new here and not yet subscribed, I welcome you to join our roster, for free!

Enjoy your weekend!

Check you later,
