UPDATE - The Reapers: Season Start Date Announced!

Hey there!

I hope you’ve enjoyed your week so far, and looking forward to a fun weekend! This one is going to be short and sweet, so lets get started!

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The Bermuda Basketball Association has finally announced that the preseason for the 2022/23 league season will begin this Saturday, October 29th! Unfortunately I will not be able to make it, with it being the Halloween weekend, and of course this being a last minute announcement, I had already made plans for Saturday evening. Nevertheless, I trust the boys will get a good run in during the allocated court time. I believe there are plans to run a few scrimmages between teams before the league kicks off next week in the first week of November.

As previously mentioned numerous times in past posts (you can check those out on the dashboard if you are new), this is shaping up to be quite a fun season. We are moving to a new venue, The Berkeley Institute, which is a local high school and who have what I believe is the best court in Bermuda. Unfortunately games will only be played on Saturdays, therefore limiting action to only once a week, but this will bring all the teams together under one roof for competition, which if the BBA treats properly, should create a really vibrant and exciting atmosphere for spectators and players.

The season is set to run until February, so we’ve got a few solid months of basketball coming up. I’m expecting us to perform and compete to a similar level as last season, and I believe maintaining our 6-4 record or even improving on it is a very realistic target. We are still working on shaping out the roster a little more and trying to bring back some familiar faces, however if we are unable to achieve these acquisitions, I’m perfectly happy with the squad we’ve currently got.

So that’s it from me this week, like I said, short and sweet! I hope you all enjoy the Halloween weekend, and if you don’t take part in the festivities, I hope you have fun all the same!

Until next week, check you later!
