What I want to AceBoy Sports Group to accomplish...

Hey everyone!

Hope you’re all enjoying your week so far, and if you’re in Bermuda with me, I hope you’re getting ready for Fiona! To my international readers, I am not talking about Shrek’s sweetheart, I am referencing the category 4 hurricane currently en-route to Bermuda. Hopefully she continues to pass, but nevertheless I wish everyone to stay safe over these next few days!

Given the impending storm, I am keeping this one pretty short and sweet and then its back to some hurricane prep - definitely not because I’ve been procrastinating! I’ve gone into quite a bit of detail in my last few posts, which I hope you have all thoroughly enjoyed reading, but if not, then too bad and subscribe anyways!

Keeping this week’s post a little more streamline, I’m gonna talk about what I want AceBoy Sports Group to really become and achieve locally, so without further a-due, here we go!

Industry Acknowledgement

I’ve always wanted to work in the sports industry, but at the same time I’ve always wanted to live and work in Bermuda. Working in the sports industry in Bermuda, the U.S., and now most recently in the U.K., I firmly believe that Bermuda can have a not only functioning but also a flourishing sports industry. We have somewhat acceptable infrastructure for a country of our size, with a little more care and investment in this area going a long way. We have a decent number of athletes who compete abroad at varying levels such as university, semi-pro, and professional across different countries and sports.

With proper alignment and a focused strategy (some of which I touched on in the last two posts), we can establish ourselves as a leader in the Bermudian sports industry, and create a pathway for not only athletes and governing bodies to follow, but hopefully other sporting start-ups as well. I don’t want AceBoy Sports Group to be watered down with different pillars of operation, and thereby lose the quality that I believe will make us special. I want to see more sport-minded entrepreneurs take a leap in Bermuda, and use us as a platform to not only collaborate but also to compete with.

International Presence

In addition to growing locally, I’d like to continue our currently small expansion into the international sports industry. This isn’t solely down to representing Bermudian athletes in different countries, I’d like to eventually assist in bringing sporting events to Bermuda, but also be involved in events that take place across the globe. This isn’t limited to any particular sport, and while it might be far-fetched at the moment, I believe it can be achievable with our current progress.

While we continue to build out or relationships with football clubs in England, I’d like to continue these collaborations into other countries and sports across Europe and eventually into North America. I think these markets are still relatively untouched by Bermudian athletes for the most part, particularly startups in the Bermuda sports industry, paving a pathway for us to really break into said markets. To be recognized internationally by already established sporting bodies would be an immense achievement, and something that I am definitely striving to achieve. While this doesn’t necessarily have a timeline itself, it is something that is contributed to with every move we make.

Community Influence

Finally, the most important thing I hope to achieve through AceBoy Sports Group is some sense of influence in our local community. In past posts I’ve mentioned how Bermuda is a close, tight-knit community, and that especially rings true with regards to our sports. It would be huge to be the organization that creates legitimate opportunities for young athletes to continue their career trajectory, and also be seen as a resource for local governing bodies to assist in really developing their sports in a thorough and sustainable manner.

This will take time and will arguably never end, so it is imperative that every move we make, particularly over the next few years, are done so with this key objective in mind. Bermuda is primed to take advantage of not only our local talent, but also of our existing international connections. Hopefully AceBoy Sports Group can be the organization to harness and thereby channel the our local talent to see our now small sports industry really expand and grow to something to be proud of.

What’s next?

Thanks for checking this one out everyone, and if you are new and haven’t done so already, please do subscribe and don’t miss out on what I’m gonna be covering next week!

Again, for all my Bermuda based readers, please stay safe over these next few days!

Check you later!
